There’s so much to do, and we need all the help we can get!

Call to Action: February 2025 Priority

Dear Friends of the CT Environmental Rights Amendment,

The CT ERA, now SJ36, is up for a public hearing this coming Friday, February 7, at 12:00 PM in Room 2B of the LOB and via Zoom and YouTube Live in the Government Administration and Elections Committee. This is our opportunity to make our case to the legislators and show grassroots support. I hope you will consider submitting testimony either in writing or orally, which you can do in person or on Zoom. The link to submit testimony in writing is here, (please submit written testimony by the end of February 7th) and to
sign up as a speaker is here (please sign up by 3:00 PM February 6th).

You can also help us to build support among legislators for the 2025 session in two other ways:

1. Making a 2 minute call to your own legislators, and

2. Going to any in-district meetings your legislators might have.

Follow the guidelines below and make your call today!

  • Every seat in the CT General Assembly was up for election last fall, and you may have a new legislator, so this step is important.

    Go to the "Find Your Legislators" link at the CT General Assembly website.

    • Enter your town, street, and building number

    • Click on the name of the legislator to go to their website

    • Get to know who they are, what party they represent, what bills they sponsored, what issues they highlight

    • Find out if they list any upcoming events where you can meet them in person

  • You can call through the Capitol Switchboard to the appropriate numbers below.

    • Senate Democrats: 800-842-1420 or 860-240-8600

    • Senate Republicans: 800-842-1420 or 860-240-8600

    • House Democrats: 800-842-8585 or 860-240-8500

    • House Republicans: 800-842-1423 or 860-240-8700

    Ask for your legislator’s office

    • You will probably either get voice mail or talk to a legislative aide

    • Practice your brief speech once or twice ahead of time, so you can say it with confidence!

    "My name is [your name], and I’m a resident of [city/town] and a constituent of [legislator’s name]

    I support the CT Environmental Rights Amendment because

    • Tell them very briefly why – just one sentence is enough. Possible talking points:

    ◦ A personal experience showing why a clean and healthy environment is important to you

    ◦ It recognizes environmental rights as being on a par with other fundamental human rights, such as the right to free speech

    ◦ It protects the environment for the benefit of all residents of CT, now and in the future

    • I am asking you [or legislator’s name] to support the amendment as a co-sponsor

    • I will contact you again once the resolution has been introduced and has an official number.

    • Please let me know about any in-district meetings you will be holding.

  • We rely on phone calls and emails because those are the easiest ways to reach your legislators, but the most powerful way is to talk to them in person. Many legislators are holding meetings in their districts now, to hear from their constituents about issues coming up in the new session.

    For example: the League of Women Voters of Hamden and North Haven will have "Breakfast with the Legislators," Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 8:30 - 11 am, at the Whitney Center, 200 Leeder Hill Dr. in Hamden.

    All legislators representing those towns are invited. Because districts do not follow town lines, some of those legislators also represent neighboring towns, including New Haven and East Haven.

    There is no central place to find these meetings, unfortunately, so check your legislators' websites, check your local news, and ask the legislator. If you find a meeting, contact us about it, and we’ll add it to our events page!

    Thank you for your support of the CT Environmental Rights Amendment, and for all the good work you are doing in your community and in our state.

More Actions You Can Take Today

  • Sign Our Petition

    We need your support!

    Help us demonstrate support a Connecticut Environmental Rights Amendment by signing this Petition.

  • Come to a Meeting!

    Join us for lunch on November 18th! We’ll be updating our post-election campaign plan, getting our activists trained and ready for outreach, and re-energizing for another year of advocacy.

  • Spread the Word

    As widely as you can!

    Share our materials on social media, or print a copy of the petition and our advocacy kit, take it with you to work, coffee shops, social gatherings or events, and ask others to sign the petition too.

  • Write an Op-Ed

    We need great storytellers to help get the message out!

    Write an opinion piece and submit it to your local paper, or send us your work! CT residents sharing their personal stories is the most effective way to make change! You can send in your own thoughts and find great examples of advocacy at the link below.

Join us at an Event!

There are plenty of ways to meet the team and show up: come out to community events for great food and company, attend one of our panels or bookstore readings, zoom in online for a meeting or webinar!

Join the Team!

Become a leader in our movement and sign up to join our biweekly meetings!