There’s so much to do, and we need all the help we can get!

Actions You Can Take Today

  • Sign Our Petition

    We need your support!

    Help us demonstrate support a Connecticut Environmental Rights Amendment by signing this Petition.

  • Spread the Word

    As widely as you can!

    Share our materials on social media, or print a copy of the petition and our advocacy kit, take it with you to work, coffee shops, social gatherings or events, and ask others to sign the petition too.

  • Write an Op-Ed

    We need great storytellers to help get the message out!

    Write an opinion piece and submit it to your local paper, or send us your work! CT residents sharing their personal stories is the most effective way to make change! You can send in your own thoughts and find great examples of advocacy at the link below.

Join us at an Event!

There are plenty of ways to meet the team and show up: come out to community events for great food and company, attend one of our panels or bookstore readings, zoom in online for a meeting or webinar!

Join the Team!

Become a leader in our movement and sign up to join our biweekly meetings!